____ ___ ____ _ _
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| | / _` \ \ / / _ \ '__| '_ \/ __| / _ \/\ | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ |/ _ \/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
| |__| (_| |\ V / __/ | | | | \__ \ | (_> < | |___| | | | (_| | | | | | | __/ | __/ (_) | | | \__ \
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|___|___\___\___/|_|\_|___/ |___|___|___| |_| |___\___/|_|\_|


Written April 12th 2022
Concept adapted from Caverns & Chameleons, 2018
Version 2.2


[i] What Is Caverns & Chameleons?
[ii] Gameplay Rules
[a] Action Points
[b] Feats
[c] Combat
[d] Mortality Saves
[iii] Reference Materials
[f] Weapons
[g] Magic Spells
[iv] Characters
[h] Making A New Character
[i] Leveling Up
[v] Blank Character Sheet



Caverns & Chameleons is a simplistic table top role playing game designed to be accessible to players inexperienced
with convoluted gameplay mechanics and memorization while providing an open sandbox for Game Masters, or GM's, to
create immersive stories for players to experience. By following along to the rules in this page, a party of
players could reasonably run a champaign with no prior experience with role playing games.

For the most part, the story is driven by verbal interaction between the player and the GM without the dictation
of chance or dice rolls, but to calculate elements of chance, the game has an action system to determine whether
characters may fail or succeed at tasks they wish to perform. Outside of those instances, the players are free
to dictate where their character goes, what they say, who they talk to, and what they think. The object of the
game is to work cooperatively to uncover a story or complete an objective laid out by the GM.

Caverns & Chameleons has no overarching story or plot. There is no setting or cast of characters intrinsic to
the game, and each group of players much work with their GM to create their own world they wish to play in. A lot
of the elements in this guide give examples of weapons, spells, character classes and more that can be referred
to for new players, but GM's are very much encouraged to sculpt the game as they see fit to best suite the story
they wish to tell. The spirit of the game is far more about narrative than it is competition.

Also, as a fair warning, this edition of Caverns & Chameleons was written in about a total of 12 hours tops
loosely based on the first edition of a game by the same name. If you care about balancing, refine or disregard
all the example sheets in this guide.

Have fun playing your game!




Action attempts require and consume action points. Each character as a maximum amount of action points they can
store, as well as a maximum of actions they can perform each turn.
Turns are only kept track of during Action Phases, which are combat or other time sensitive events.

Action points only matter in non-time sensitive environments when preforming an "action of considerable
effort", which is usually anything that requires a roll for a physically based stat. Strength, Agility, and
Endurance based rolls all typically consume an action point upon being resolved.
An action being resolved does not mean the attempt succeeded, it just means the results the action are final and
no longer subject to interference.

If a player is attempting an action but has no action points remaining to consume, they must make a fatigue save
or 36 or higher on two D20s, adding their Endurance stat to their roll. On a successful fatigue save, they may
attempt the action despite having no remaining action points. Fatigue saves do not let a player bypass the action
limit of their turn however.

One hour of resting will restore 10% of their max hitpoints and 10% of their max action points. (Both rounded to
the nearest point)


For actions that involve making a physical attempt of prowess, the stats used are typically Agility and Strength.
For actions that involve cunning, conversation, perception, or crafting, the Intelligence Stat will be used.
Every actions has a difficulty score determined by the GM. Difficulty scores are intended to represent the chance
of success that player has, with a 30 being 15%, 20 being 50%, 10 being 75%, ect. Most "narrative" actions, like
picking up a cup, will have a difficulty score of 0, so they require no roll, but take for example picking up a
boulder, a GM may determine it has a difficulty score of 21, so a player would have to reach a sum of 21 or
higher on their attempt to succeed. An action attempt is two D20 rolls added to base stat value.

This whole process looks like: The player checks if they have an action point to use (either out of their sum
or if it is within their turn limit) and decides to make an "action of considerable effort", lets say jumping
a small canyon. The GM determines a difficulty score based on their understanding of the context, in our example
a 30 for a narrow canyon indicating a 75% chance of success. The player rolls two D20, adds their
agility, then if the sum is above a 30 they succeed.



Combat is a type of action phase in which 2 or more characters are fighting eachother. Characters take turns
fighting, and each character has a finite amount of action points they are allowed to expend in a single turn,
shown on their character sheet. Action points are consumed by attacks, sometimes more than one per attack
depending on the weapon, as well as through "actions of considerable effort". When all of a character’s actions
for their turn are depleted, the next character begins their turn. Turn order is determined by the highest to
lowest Agility stat.

The most common action during combat, an attack, is an attempt to hit the other opponent with either a weapon or
spell, the success being determined by if your hit roll is higher than the difficulty score of the spell or attack.
Every weapon and spell has its own difficulty score that determines the chances of hitting, and is not altered
based on circumstance except for very rare exceptions. If it's a particularly odd attack, such as leaping off of
a moving object and striking midair, the GM should treat the hit as an "action of considerable effort" rather than
an attack attempt.
Players increase their chances of scoring a hit by adding their associated weapon or spell proficiency to each
hit roll.

If a hit is successful, meaning the player met the difficulty score of the weapon, the victim still has a chance to
avoid the damage with a save. A save does not consume any action points and can be done anytime the victim is
conscious and able to move. The difficulty score of a save is the same as the difficulty score of the weapon or
spell they are being hit with, plus the weapon proficiency modifier of the wielder of the weapon. The victim's
Endurance stat is added towards their save roll. If the victim has a shield or something that may act as a shield,
their Endurance stat is multiplied by 2 before being added towards their save roll.

Example: A player with a polearms skill of 13 swings a pike with a difficulty score of 25 at a character. He must
roll a 12 or higher to succeed. If he does, the attack hits and the victim gets a chance to save. They must roll a
38 or higher to take no damage, with their Endurance stat acting as a modifier to their roll. With an Endurance
stat of 6, they would have to roll 32 or higher on two D20s to avoid all damage from this attack.
The victim can always opt not to make a save if they would not like to.

If the attacker hits, and the victim fails their save. Damage is dealt, which is determined by the weapon and is
usually indicated by a number of dice and the sides of the dice required. (ex: 1d6 damage)
The damage dealt is subtracted from the hitpoints of the victim, and if their hitpoints drop below zero, they lose
consciousness and can only make mortality saves.



Before anything else, if the damage dealt to a character puts their hitpoints into a negative value that is greater
than their max hitpoints, they die automatically without the chance to make a save.

If they merely have hitpoints below zero, they have the chance to save themselves. On their turn, they may exchange
an action point for a mortality save for as many action points as they can use that turn. A mortality save is a
single D6 roll. On a roll of 6, your character regains consciousness and has their hitpoints set to 1. On a roll of 1,
they take 10 damage to their hitpoints. Again, if their hitpoints reach the negative inverse of their max hitpoints, they die.

A party member may revive you when the party is no longer in an action phase (combat or time sensitive events). This does
not have a chance of failing, but it still consumes an action point.

To recover your hitpoints and avoid mortality, players consume healing items and rest. One hour of resting will restore 10%
of their max hitpoints and 10% of their max action points. (Both rounded to the nearest point)



Weapons are sorted into 5 categories, and all characters have an associated proficiency for each one. A characters
proficiency is added to their hit roll when using the corresponding weapon type. The weapon types are as follows:

| One Handed : Short swords, one handed axes, hammers, rapiers, and many improvised weapons |
| Two Handed : Broadswords, longswords, battle axes and battle hammers |
| Polearms : Spears, pikes, halbards, staffs, and other long swingy things |
| Mounted : Gauntlets, arm mounted blades, leg mounted weapons |
| Ranged : Bows, slings, slingshots, throwables |

Weapons do not have specific ranges, and combat does not have a definitive "field of play".
As a general rule, the more damage a weapon can do, the harder it's difficulty score will be, many being entirely
impossible to use without high proficiency.
If you are the GM, your goal should be to keep players having weapons that have roughly a 75% or higher chance to hit,
to keep them engaged in combat. If a player had a proficiency of 8 in a weapon type, you should aim to keep them using
weapons with a difficulty score of around 18.

Listed below is a very vague reference for what potential weapons could look like at various points in the game. Feel free
to use this as a guide but know it is highly recommended to generate weapons for the players based on where they are
specifically in progression. Always assume the character has at least some proficiency in the weapon they will be using
(this includes making sure NPCs are sufficiently proficient) and try to adapt the weapons in the world to the needs and
abilities of the players. A highly proficient player should have weapons impossible to use by an inexperienced one, and
low difficulty weapons should always do less damage. Other than that, weapon creating is very open to creativity, so don't
feel limited to this chart!

Weapon Name Weapon Type DS Damage Special Information AP

| Rusty Shortsword | One Handed | 12 | 1D4 | | 2 |
| Iron Shortsword | One Handed | 31 | 1D6 + 3 | | 2 |
| Gilded Shortsword | One Handed | 45 | 1D6 + 5 | | 2 |

| Rusty Dagger | One Handed | 10 | 1 | If this attack hits, it cannot be saved | 1 |
| Iron Dagger | One Handed | 20 | 1D4 | If this attack hits, it cannot be saved | 1 |
| Gilded Dagger | One Handed | 35 | 1D6 | If this attack hits, it cannot be saved | 1 |

| Dueling Saber | One Handed | 50 | 1D4 | Only consumes an action if the attack fails |0-1|
| | | | | DS increases by 10 after every attack | |

| Training Rapier | One Handed | 35 | 1 | After every successful hit, double the | 1 |
| | | | | damage of this weapon. Reset on first miss | |
| Gilded Rapier | One Handed | 50 | 1d4 + 2 | After every successful hit, double the | 1 |
| | | | | damage of this weapon. Reset on first miss | |

| Wood Axe | One Handed | 20 | 1D6 | | 2 |
| Iron Axe | One Handed | 29 | 1D8 | | 2 |
| Double-Bladed Axe | One Handed | 31 | 1D8 | You may choose to attempt the hit roll twice | 2 |
| | | | | if you pass both x2 damage, if not then none | |

| Rusty Broadsword | Two Handed | 16 | 1D4 | | 2 |
| Bronze Broadsword | Two Handed | 30 | 1D4 + 3 | | 2 |
| Iron Broadsword | Two Handed | 50 | 1D4 + 6 | | 2 |
| Steel Broadsword | Two Handed | 70 | 1D6 + 8 | | 2 |

| Used Claymore | Two Handed | 16 | 1D4 + 3 | | 3 |
| Reforged Claymore | Two Handed | 30 | 1D4 + 6 | | 3 |

| Light Battle Hammer | Two Handed | 18 | 1D6 + 1 | | 3 |
| Sturdy Battle Hammer | Two Handed | 32 | 1D6 + 3 | | 3 |
| Heavy Battle Hammer | Two Handed | 55 | 1D8 + 4 | | 3 |
| Brass Battle Hammer | Two Handed | 65 | 2D4 + 3 | If this attack hits, it cannot be saved | 3 |

| Thunder Hammer | Two Handed | 50 | 1D4 + 9 | You may add your Strength stat towards the | 4 |
| | | | | difficulty roll when making an attack | |

| Light Spear | Polearm | 18 | 3 | | 2 |
| Sturdy Spear | Polearm | 24 | 1D4 + 4 | | 2 |
| Heavy Spear | Polearm | 45 | 1D6 + 5 | | 2 |

| Rusty Sleeve-Blade | Mounted | 15 | 1 | If this attack hits, it cannot be saved | 1 |
| Iron Sleeve-Blade | Mounted | 25 | 1D4 + 1 | If this attack hits, it cannot be saved | 1 |
| Gilded Sleeve-Blade | Mounted | 40 | 1D6 + 1 | If this attack hits, it cannot be saved | 1 |

| Power Gauntlet | Mounted | 45 | N/A | Damage equal to character's Strength stat | 2 |
| Power Gauntlets | Mounted | 75 | N/A | Damage equal to character's Strength stat x2 | 2 |

| Wooden Bow | Ranged | 21 | 1D4 | | 2 |
| Well Strung Bow | Ranged | 45 | 1D6 | | 2 |
| Winged Bow | Ranged | 55 | 1D8 | | 2 |
| Compound Bow | Ranged | 65 | 1D10 | | 2 |



Unlike first edition, magical actions are not determined by players and checked by the GM, but rather have a list
of spells with categories similar to weapons. Magic is also no longer a character stat, replaced instead by magical
proficiencies, similar to weapon proficiencies, that each spell can be categorized into. They are as follows:

| Augmentation : Changing nonphysical aspects of the world around you, making lights, illusions, ect |
| Restoration : Healing hitpoints and action points of yourself and others, and even the dead |
| Destruction : Create fireballs, bolts of lightning, hurricanes, and disruptions of earth |
| Conjuration : Changing physical aspects of the world around you, summoning walls, weapons, ect |

Some classes have higher proficiency in certain categories due to inherent abilities, so choosing a class compatible
with a desired magic type can be important. Spells themselves are stored similarly to weapons on a character, with a
list of spells
associated with your character. However, just like a warrior can only carry so many weapons, each spell has it's own
equivalent to weight and a character can only hold a finite amount at once, determined by their class and level.
To switch out your spells, rest for one hour per spell you would like to add. It does not take any time resting to
remove a spell.
Many spells require more than one action points, which can be expensive but is usually not a problem outside of action
While in an action phase however, the number of action points a spell requires may be outside of your turn limit.
Intrinsically magical classes like mages have an ability that allows them to store action points from one turn to a
next. This allows you to cast every spell while in combat, but will make expensive spells take much longer to cast
in combat.

Spells that last until a specific duration, like the end of a following turn for example, are depleted after sufficient
usage or when the GM dictates.

Spell Name Magic Type DS Effects AP

| Cast Light | Augmentation | 10 | Creates a glowing ball of light within a 10 meter | 1 |
| | | | radius | |
| Project Voice | Augmentation | 30 | A sound or voice is cast with a point of origin | 1 |
| | | | within a 10 meter radius | |
| Change Property | Augmentation | 30 | Changes the colour, impact sound, transparency, or | 1 |
| | | | any other non-physical property of an object | |
| Project Image | Augmentation | 45 | Creates a singular non-interactable image/illusion | 2 |
| | | | which cannot cast a shadow | |
| Warp World | Augmentation | 50 | Creates a distorted view of the environment around, | 3 |
| | | | tricking those who try to view distance or shape | |
| Distress | Augmentation | 65 | Another character is forced to roll a 35 difficulty | 3 |
| | | | score save. If they fail, they skip their next turn | |

| Healing Ray | Restoration | 20 | Heals 1D6 + 1 hitpoints | 2 |
| | | | | |
| Reveal Poison | Restoration | 20 | Detects whether a consumable has been poisoned | 2 |
| | | | | |
| Healing Aura | Restoration | 30 | Restores 1D8 hitpoints to every member in a party | 3 |
| | | | but only if used consecutively for >3 turns | |
| Ring of Protection | Restoration | 40 | Prevent a turn of damage to you from a chosen source | 3 |
| | | | OR prevent that damage to another from that source | |
| Energizing Ray | Restoration | 40 | Restores 1D6 action points to any character | 4 |
| | | | | |
| Mortal Trade | Restoration | 20 | Restore a character from a negative hitpoint value | 5 |
| | | | back to full HP. You reduce to 0 hitpoints | |
| Sphere of Protection | Restoration | 70 | Prevent all damage to anything from a chosen source | 6 |
| | | | | |

| Firebolt | Destruction | 30 | Deals 1D4 + 3 damage | 2 |
| | | | | |
| Fireball | Destruction | 40 | Deals 1D4 + 6 damage | 2 |
| | | | | |
| Irradiate | Destruction | 80 | Deals 1D6 + 8 damage | 2 |
| | | | | |
| Thunder | Destruction | 85 | Deal 10 damage on the end of your next turn | 2 |
| | | | | |
| Ricochet | Destruction | 25 | Deal 1 damage. If Ricochet has alreayd been cast | 2 |
| | | | this turn, it deals X2 the damage of it's last cast | |
| Freeze | Destruction | 85 | Deals 1D4 damage and the target skips their next | 3 |
| | | | turn | |
| Riftbolt | Destruction | 75 | Pick 2 targets and roll two D6. Select which dice to | 3 |
| | | | be dealt as damage to each target | |
| Chain Lightning | Destruction | 50 | Deals 1D6 hitpoints damage, and on a successful hit | 4 |
| | | | you may reroll the DS +10 to hit another new target | |

| Summon Wall | Conjuration | 30 | Creates an 8ft high expanse of cover that lasts | 2 |
| | | | until the end of your next turn | |
| Summon Weapon | Conjuration | 40 | Creates a temporary weapon of your choosing that | 2 |
| | | | remains in inventory until the end of your next turn | |
| Bind | Conjuration | 50 | Moves earth or soil to immobilize a target until | 3 |
| | | | they manage to break free | |
| Cast Shield | Conjuration | 50 | Until the end of your next turn, you receive all | 3 |
| | | | combat benefits of having a shield | |
| Spell Stasis | Conjuration | 85 | Queue a spell in stasis to be cast at any time with | 9 |
| | | | no difficulty score for only 1 AP point | |

| As a GM, you are HEAVILY encouraged to create and implement your own spells. This list is incomplete |

* Clarifications and Rulings *

All spells that deal damage can be have their damage saved by the victim, just like regular weapons.
Reveal Poison - "Poison" constitutes any maliciously added ingredient intended to be consumed.
Thunder - This deals damage regardless of the consciousness or life of the caster.
Ricochet = Ricochet can do a maximum of 10 damage
Mortal Trade - The target must be alive. Any character able to make mortality saves is a valid target.
Summon Weapon - You do not need an open weapon slot to use the temporary weapon summoned.
Bind - When bind succeeds on a target, they are given a "bind score" equal to the DS of the spell. For 1
action point they can roll 2d20 and add their Strength stat and reduce this total from the bind score.
When it reaches zero or below, they can move. An immobilized character cannot move, attack, or make
damage saves. They may still mortal save.
Spell Stasis - You must also successfully cast the spell you intend to preserve in addition to the cost of the stasis.
You may only have as many spells queued as you have actions per turn.



All characters start at level zero with the base hitpoints, action points, and default proficiencies for their class.
Each class has particular intrinsic abilities that are specific to their class and they cannot be removed. It's important
to pick a class that will allow a character to develop with intentional strategy as the game progresses.

After you have finished copying hitpoints, action points, proficiencies, weapon capacity, and spell capacity from the class,
you allot 15 proficiency points to distribute amongst any weapon or magic types you desire. These proficiencies will be
increased as characters level up, but starting proficiencies can be important in the early game, so choose wisely.

Now you determine your base stats, meaning your Strength, Agility, Endurance, and Intelligence. You get 12 points to distribute
as you please to each category. After you allocate them, choose one stat and add a D4 roll to it. You may only do this to one
stat. Next, select a weapon to add to equip to your first weapon slot. The weapon you choose MUST BE THE SAME WEAPON TYPE as
the highest weapon proficiency of your character. For example, a character with a One Handed proficiency of 10 and a Mounted
proficiency of 4 can only choose a One Handed weapon as their starter weapon. After this, add any items to the character's
inventory that are congruent
GMs should play an active role with helping players create characters. Caverns & Chameleons places heavy emphasis on the ability of
GMs to create unique worlds without many overarching rules of the game interfering. As such, there is no defined currency, magical
items, or finite set of abilities or skills. It is HEAVILY encouraged, to the utmost extent possible, that a GM designs weapons spells
and items that fit the story they are telling. Players should be made aware of the setting they are playing in, and work with the
facilitator to create a character that is both fun to play and using the elements of the world created.

Here is the list of classes with their default stats and abilities:

Warrior Starting Hitpoints > 25 Starting Actions Points > 30 Actions Per Turn > 3

One Handed - 10 Weapon Capacity - 3 Slots

Two Handed - 5 Spell Capacity - 0 Slots

Polearms - 5

Mounted - 0

Ranged - 0

Augmentation - 0

Restoration - 0

Destruction - 0

Conjuration - 0

Add to select - +15

== Abilities ============================================================================================

Once per turn, you may reroll a save if the weapon you are being hit with is the same as the weapon you have the
most proficiency with.

Your Endurance stat is doubled if you are at 5 hitpoints or below.

Paladin Starting Hitpoints > 20 Starting Actions Points > 30 Actions Per Turn > 3

One Handed - 5 Weapon Capacity - 2 Slots

Two Handed - 0 Spell Capacity - 2 Slots

Polearms - 5

Mounted - 0

Ranged - 0

Augmentation - 0

Restoration - 5

Destruction - 0

Conjuration - 5

Add to select - +15

== Abilities ============================================================================================

Whenever an attack from a weapon or spell you make would deal fatal damage (leaving health at 0 or below) you may
choose to have the victim fall to 1 hitpoint instead.
This ability cannot be used to counteract or prevent other sources of damage.

Mage Starting Hitpoints > 15 Starting Actions Points > 30 Actions Per Turn > 3

One Handed - 0 Weapon Capacity - 1 Slots

Two Handed - 0 Spell Capacity - 5 Slots

Polearms - 5

Mounted - 0

Ranged - 0

Augmentation - 5

Restoration - 5

Destruction - 0

Conjuration - 5

Add to select - +15

== Abilities ============================================================================================

You may reserve any remaining actions per turn over to the next turn. For example, if you have 3 actions per turn,
and only use 1, you may reserve the remaining two so you will have 5 actions at the beginning of your next turn.
You may only go above your action point limit to cast spells, not make physical attacks.

You may exchange 5 hitpoints for an additional action during your turn. If you use this ability again during the
same action phase, it costs an additional 5 hitpoints. (5 the first time, 10 the second, 15 the third, ect.)

Warlock Starting Hitpoints > 20 Starting Actions Points > 30 Actions Per Turn > 3

One Handed - 0 Weapon Capacity - 2 Slots

Two Handed - 5 Spell Capacity - 4 Slots

Polearms - 0

Mounted - 5

Ranged - 0

Augmentation - 0

Restoration - 0

Destruction - 10

Conjuration - 0

Add to select - +15

== Abilities ============================================================================================

You may reserve any remaining actions per turn over to the next turn. For example, if you have 3 actions per turn,
and only use 1, you may reserve the remaining two so you will have 5 actions at the beginning of your next turn.
You may only go above your action point limit to cast spells, not make physical attacks.

You may double the difficulty score of any weapon or spell to have it's effects resolved twice instead of once.

Ranger Starting Hitpoints > 15 Starting Actions Points > 30 Actions Per Turn > 4

One Handed - 0 Weapon Capacity - 3 Slots

Two Handed - 0 Spell Capacity - 0 Slots

Polearms - 0

Mounted - 5

Ranged - 15

Augmentation - 0

Restoration - 0

Destruction - 0

Conjuration - 0

Add to select - +15

== Abilities ============================================================================================

Whenever you make an attack with a ranged weapon, you may opt not to roll the difficulty score and instead deal
a singular point of damage.
You may not choose this option if you have already attempted the hit roll. You may choose this even if you do not
have a chance of exceeding the difficulty score.

You may spend an action point to reroll a one dice of a damage save against one attack. You may not use this ability
more than once per attack. The consumed action point does not count against your actions per turn.

Berserker Starting Hitpoints > 35 Starting Actions Points > 35 Actions Per Turn > 4

One Handed - 0 Weapon Capacity - 1 Slots

Two Handed - 10 Spell Capacity - 0 Slots

Polearms - 0

Mounted - 10

Ranged - 0

Augmentation - 0

Restoration - 0

Destruction - 0

Conjuration - 0

Add to select - +15

== Abilities ============================================================================================

You may not increase your weapon capacity beyond 1 slot.
You may not increase your ranged proficiency above 0.

Your character starts with a default +6 to your Endurance stat

During your turn you may roll 2D20s; on a 30 or higher, you gain another action point this turn. On a 10 or lower,
you take 1D6 + 4 damage.



Levels are indicative of gradual collection of a character's Experience, and progress their skills over time.
Characters start at Level 0 and level up every 100 Exp. plus 50 Exp. multiplied by their level. So Level 0 to 1 is 100 Exp.,
Level 1 to 2 is 150 Exp., Level 2 to 3 is 200 Exp., and so on. Exp. is awarded for defeating enemies or challenges, at
an exchange rate the GM chooses. Events could give quite a lot or very little Experience depending on the influence of the GM.

When your player character levels up, choose 4 unique options from the following list:

> +7 proficiency distributed amongst any weapon or magic types you choose
> +5 proficiency to a singular weapon or magic type you choose
> +1 Weapon Capacity
> +4 Action Points
> +5 Hitpoints
> +2 Spell Capacity (If you have at least one spell slot already)
> +1 Actions Per Turn (THIS COUNTS AS 3 CHOICES)

____ ___ ____ _ _
/ ___|__ ___ _____ _ __ _ __ ___ ( _ ) / ___| |__ __ _ _ __ ___ ___| | ___ ___ _ __ ___
| | / _` \ \ / / _ \ '__| '_ \/ __| / _ \/\ | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ |/ _ \/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
| |__| (_| |\ V / __/ | | | | \__ \ | (_> < | |___| | | | (_| | | | | | | __/ | __/ (_) | | | \__ \
\____\__,_| \_/ \___|_| |_| |_|___/ \___/\/ \____|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|_|\___|\___/|_| |_|___/
___ _ _ ___ _ _
/ __| |_ __ _ _ _ __ _ __| |_ ___ _ _ / __| |_ ___ ___| |_
| (__| ' \/ _` | '_/ _` / _| _/ -_) '_| \__ \ ' \/ -_) -_) _|
\___|_||_\__,_|_| \__,_\__|\__\___|_| |___/_||_\___\___|\__|

Name : Class : Hitpoints : Total Actions Points : Actions Per Turn :

Strength Agility Intelligence Endurance

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Weapon Proficiencies Weapon Slots : ( / )

One Handed : __ ________________________________________

Two Handed : __ ________________________________________

Polearms : __ ________________________________________

Mounted : __ ________________________________________

Ranged : __ ________________________________________


Spell Proficiencies Spell Slots : ( / )

Augmentation : __ ________________________________________

Restoration : __ ________________________________________

Destruction : __ ________________________________________

Augmentation : __ ________________________________________


===== Abilities & Notes ======================================================================================================================